Monday, December 12, 2005

All I Need...Psalm 23:1

"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want."

I was watching this sermon on TV yesterday, at the end of which the preacher invited everyone to join him in a prayer. Somewhere during this prayer, he paused for a while for each of us to pray for a specific personal blessing.
I was pleasantly surprised to realise I couldn't think of anything to ask of the Lord. During that one instant....just for that one moment, I suddenly remembered Psalm 23:1 and this verse became truly real for me. I mean I genuinely felt satisfied with who I am and with what I have.
Thank you Lord for keeping me content and happy in you. You are truly Jehovah Jireh, my shepherd and provider. In times of need, help me Lord to remember this always...Amen!


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